How do I manage my customers' orders?

Do you need to re-send a customer's receipt? Change the email address or attendee names on file? Refund a purchase entirely? This can all be done through the Order Lookup tool!

Accessing Order Lookup

To get started, click 'Manage'>'Orders' at the top of your dashboard.

Locating Orders

The Order Lookup tool lets you search all of your events organization-wide for any orders that a customer has made. You can search by the purchaser's name, their email address, a ticket's serial number, the order confirmation code, or by individual attendee name.

Once you've entered your search criteria and have located the purchase in question, you can click on that order to see more details about it and/or make changes to it.

Viewing an Order

On the order page, you can view information that applies to the order as a whole (such as a breakdown of the purchase) by clicking 'Order Information'. 

To view information specific to each ticket (like its redemption status or the attendee name on file), select 'Ticket Information' instead.

Managing an Order

If you'd like to make changes to the order, select one of the following options from the 'Manage Order' menu:

Change Attendees

A customer's friend get sick, or they made some better friends? The attendee name for any ticket in an order can be changed here. Just find the specific ticket(s) you'd like to change, enter in the First and Last name of the new attendee into their respective fields, click update, and the order's attendee name will be changed.

Change Email

Customer need their tickets sent to a new email address? The email address on file for an order can be changed any time through here. Once you enter in the new email address, customers will not be able to access tickets through confirmation email sent to the old email address on file.

Resend Receipt

If a customer has lost their receipt and needs a new copy, a new one can be sent via email. 

If a customer's email provider has unusually strict security settings,  send can also send customer a direct link to their receipt by clicking 'Copy Direct Link'. This will copy a link to the customer's receipt to your clipboard, which you can then send the customer directly. 

Refund Order

Need to refund a customer's order for any reason? Here you can place a refund on the entire order.

Note: Only full refunds of entire orders can be placed through this tool. If you need to provide a partial refund, or a refund on specific tickets in an order, please contact for assistance.

Once a refund has been placed, it will be processed within 24 hours. If there are any issues with processing the refund, Bold Type Tickets support will contact the user who placed the refund.

Related Orders

Have you already placed a refund on an order? Credits for any order will be indicated on both the search page for all orders, and on a specific order if applicable. To see more information on any credits placed on an order, click on the credit in the 'Related Orders' section.

Reissue Ticket

Has your customer lost a physical copy of their tickets, or maybe had their email hacked? You can void their previous tickets and issue a new set at any time from here! 

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