How do I create a Facebook tracking pixel?

If you want to pass information from your ticketing pages with us back to a Facebook ad campaign, look no further! Our Facebook Pixel integration reports page views for all your relevant Bold Type Tickets pages, as well as reporting "Standard Events" (allowing you to track specific conversions events within Facebook's tools, like successful orders). We'll summarize how to set up a campaign and integrate it with our site here, but please visit the Facebook Advertiser Help Center and the Facebook Implementation Guide for more detailed configuration instructions.

Setting up conversion tracking with Facebook

1. Log in to your Facebook account or Facebook Business Manager account. You can find all of the information you need to set up Facebook pixels in the Assets section of your Facebook Ads Manager by selecting “Pixels".

2. Create your Facebook pixel, and name it something you'll recognize later when creating ads or connecting this pixel to an existing ad.

3. Next, you need to identify your Pixel ID code - a 15-16 digit numerical identifier associated with your new pixel that looks like 123456789123400 . By selecting 'Email Instructions to a Developer' or hitting 'Cancel' on the 'Install Your Pixel Code' menu, you will be able to find this ID.

4. Copy this Pixel ID and keep it handy, and head over to your Bold Type Tickets dashboard!

Integrating your Facebook Pixel with Bold Type Tickets

1. Head to the 'Integrations' page on your Dashboard and select 'Facebook Pixel'.

2. Paste your Pixel ID here, and select 'Save'.

3. You're done, nice work! This Pixel is now integrated with your Bold Type Tickets organization. When you create ad campaigns in Facebook that use this Pixel, you will be passed the following data and standard events:

  • Pageviews for event pages, checkout pages, and confirmation pages associated with your organization
  • Standard events when customers 'Initiate Checkout', 'Add Payment Info', and 'Purchase' (including the customer's order totals)

Let us know if you have any questions along the way about the data we pass to your Facebook ad manager account - we're happy to help!

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