How do I make changes to an existing ticket?
If you need to make changes to an existing ticket type, start by heading to your Dashboard and locating the appropriate event.
Once you've found the event in question, select Tickets from the Event Menu.
You should see a list of all of the ticket types associated with the event. Find the one you want to edit, then click the 'Manage' button to the right and select 'Edit Ticket Details' from the menu.
At this point, you can see the basic settings for that ticket type:
A quick overview of what each of those settings do:
- Name: The name of the ticket type (General Admission, VIP, and so forth).
- Inventory: The maximum number of this ticket you want to be sold. If this field is left empty, it will default to whatever you entered above under Total Inventory. For events with a single type of ticket, those numbers will be the same. For events with multiple tickets, you'll want to make sure this is adjusted appropriately.
- Price: How much you want the ticket to cost before fees (and, if applicable, tax). The fees value will automatically update to reflect the price of the ticket.
If you click the Advanced Settings link at the bottom of the ticket setup section, several more fields will appear.
The advanced settings allow more granular control over each type of ticket. Among other things, they allow you to override the event's default sales limits on a ticket-by-ticket basis.
- Ticket Description: Any additional details you'd like to share about your ticket that aren't included in the Name field (e.g. "Includes parking, brunch, and a foot rub").
- Inventory Options: If you have multiple ticket types, the 'Separate Inventory' checkbox allows you to exempt a ticket from counting toward your assigned Total Inventory value. This is useful for things like offshoot events not covered under your general admission ticket, or for offering certain perks a la carte.
- On-Sale Date: If you want your ticket to go on-sale at a time other than the event default you set earlier, select "Customize for this ticket..." and adjust it as desired.
- Off-Sale Date: Same as above. If you want this ticket to go off-sale at a time other than the event default, select "Customize for this ticket..." and adjust it as desired.
- Delivery Methods: If you want this ticket to have different delivery options than your event's default setting, check "Customize for this ticket..." to make your changes.
- Min Per Order: If you'd like a different minimum tickets-per-order limit than the event default, select "Customize for this ticket..." and enter the desired value.
- Max Per Order: If you'd like a different maximum tickets-per-order limit than the event default, select "Customize for this ticket..." and enter the desired value.
Once you've made the desired changes, hit 'Save' and they'll be applied!