How do I set aside tickets for guests/VIPs?

Want to create complimentary tickets for volunteers, sponsors, VIPs, and the like? Head to your event's Pulled Tickets page!

There you can see all tickets that have already been pulled from inventory. Click the “+ Create Tickets” button to create pulled tickets.

Enter the desired number of tickets in the box next to the desired ticket type.

Then, you can enter the guest’s first and last name, as well a quick note regarding the reason for the free tickets. Anything entered in the Label field will appear in the pulled tickets list, while anything listed as an Internal Note will only appear through the Ticket Lookup tool. 

Next, select a delivery method. 

If you want to send a confirmation message to your guest (which will include the Print at Home tickets if that delivery method was selected), check the appropriate box to enter their email address and a note to them. The default template for pulled tickets includes only limited event information, the optional custom message, and a link to the attendee's Order Status page to view the tickets.

If custom Confirmation Text language has been implemented for your organization or your event, you can elect to include the full confirmation email to be sent to your guest. To do so, check the box to send the full confirmation email. 

Hit “Create My Tickets” and your request will be processed! 

All pulled tickets for your event are tracked and manageable via your event dashboard's Pulled Tickets page.

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